A Start-up on
Waste Management
We are a start-up born out of volunteerism involved in Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan by Ramakrishna Mission Mangaluru from 2014 to 2019. Our aim is to institutionalize the above experience and put our efforts in organizing the waste management sector.
We are striving towards evolving a breakthrough innovative model through these novel interventions in Solid Waste Management sector:

Employment Generation
Our existing products and services generating employment & create wealth out of waste.

Macro to Micro
Handling the garbage at source resulting in minimum transportation, fuel efficiency & sustainability

We Consider
Waste as Resource
Previous year 7,00,000 kgs of waste being handled scientifically.

Enriching Compost
Previous year we obtained 100 tons of enriching organic compost with 7.2 NPK Level.

Electric Vehicles For
Garbage Collection
We successfully introduced electric vehicles for garbage collection at Gram Panchayat, which is first of its kind in entire state!

Our Zero Waste Project includes
Hermi Compost Plant &
Resource Recovery Point

We are a start-up born out of volunteerism involved in Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan by Ramakrishna Mission Mangaluru from 2014 to 2019. Our aim is to institutionalize the above experience and put our efforts in organizing the waste management sector.
We are striving towards evolving a breakthrough innovative model through these novel interventions in Solid Waste Management sector:
Customized approach of handling solid waste – suiting the entity
Making the endeavour remunerative to stakeholders, thus organising Solid Waste Management as a part of services sector
Introducing well researched technique of using Hermicia Illucens (BSF) to solve the wet waste problem from small to large scale
Successfully using electric vehicles in logistics thus reducing cost
Skilling workforce, large scale employment generation both in rural and urban areas, extending consultancy in SWM sector etc
We aim at creating Zero Waste Apartments, Zero Waste Villages, Zero Waste Premises, Zero Waste Cities etc. by rewiring our thinking and approach towards Solid Waste Management. Through our innovation and also complying government regulations for a start-up, we hope to extend our services to the satisfaction of the entity we are serving and the public at large.
Our Services
Zero Waste Project is aimed to provide waste management solutions in association with local entities. This sustainable solution adopts scientific method of handling solid waste by segregating kitchen and dry waste at source. Kitchen waste is converted into compost with unique technique called “Black Soldier Composting” & on the other hand, dry waste is categorized and recycled.
Zero Waste Apartment
This service is aimed to provide scientific solutions for waste management in the apartments by using the ‘Pot Composting Technique’ in their own premises through our trained staff.
Zero Waste Apartment
This service is aimed to provide scientific solutions for waste management in the apartments by using the ‘Pot Composting Technique’ in their own premises through our trained staff.
This service includes installing pot composters in common area at zero investment & daily handling of waste by trained staff. Currently, we are offering this service in 15 apartments of Mangaluru covering 500 flats.
Zero Waste Village
This service of ours provides Solid Waste Management solution to villages in collaboration with local entities.
Zero Waste Village
This service of ours provides Solid Waste Management solution to villages in collaboration with local entities. This service includes awareness on cleanliness and segregation; door to door collection, composting kitchen waste & recycling dry waste.
Presently, In Uppinangady Gram Panchayat, we are handling 1.5 ton of garbage per day.
Zero Waste Premises
Our start-up is providing ‘Zero Waste Premises’ service to the organizations which include daily collection of waste from various waste collection points within the premises, composting kitchen wastes & recycling dry wastes.
Zero Waste Premises
Here, Premises refers to the land or group of buildings owned by an organisation. Our start-up is providing ‘Zero Waste Premises’ service to the organizations which include daily collection of waste from various waste collection points within the premises, composting kitchen wastes & recycling dry wastes.
Currently, In Kateel Shree Durgaparameshwari Temple, we are handling 1 ton of garbage per day.
Zero Waste Zone
The idea of Zero Waste Zone is the solution for Bulk Waste Generators, particularly among industries under Corporate Environmental Responsibilities (CER).
Zero Waste Zone
The idea of Zero Waste Zone is the solution for Bulk Waste Generators, particularly among industries under Corporate Environmental Responsibilities (CER).
‘Zero Waste Zone’ Project is aimed to manage solid waste of Industrial Areas by setting up Solid Waste Management Plant within its zone. Shortly, we will start this service in Baikampady Industrial Area of Mangaluru, planning to manage 5 ton of garbage per day.
Zero Waste Campus
Zero Waste Campus is aimed to manage solid wastes of Educational Institutions by setting up Solid Waste Management Plant within the campus.
Zero Waste Campus
Zero Waste Campus is aimed to manage solid wastes of Educational Institutions by setting up Solid Waste Management Plant within the campus.
This sustainable solution adopts scientific method by segregating wet and dry waste at source. In near future, we intend to start this service in Mangalore University, estimated to manage 1 ton of garbage per day.
Consultancy & Training
We advocate collective initiatives to provide legitimate solutions for issues on Solid Waste Management.
Consultancy & Training
We advocate collective initiatives to provide legitimate solutions for issues on Solid Waste Management. To facilitate this objective, we offer our consultancy and training services to concerned authorities and individuals.
The Hermi Pot
Composting through Hermi Pot is an easy, simple and eco-friendly way of converting kitchen waste into organic manure. Hermi Pot is compatible. It does not require machines, fuel, electricity or heavy maintenance. Neither does it need large space nor big investment.
It is suitable for small families of three to five members generating up to 2 kg kitchen waste per day. This simple yet significant technique requires a unit of three earthen pots and a bag of coconut fiber.
This method is widely used all over the country and it has numerous advantages. The organic manure produced contributes towards a cleaner, greener earth. The pots are procured from the village potters promoting rural empowerment. It provides much needed support to the administration in disposal of garbage in a scientific way thus reducing the use of landfills.

What we do in Zero Waste Project?
Mangala Resource Management is committed towards eco friendly waste management that could solve major problems of India. Here is what we do in Zero Waste projects:
We believe in the concept
"Together We Can!"
Solid Waste Management is a collective initiative. The sustainability in waste handling, can be achieved only through the active participation of various stake holders.
We believe in the concept ‘together we can’, where collaboration with service receiver & our start-up will facilitate to achieve common goal, say, 'Zero Waste'.
Door to Door Collection of resources!
Wet and dry waste are collected on daily basis from houses, commercial spaces and collection points. In order to achieve 100% segregation, green and blue waste bins are distributed in association with service receiver, imparting proper awareness to stake holders.
Under green initiative, electronic vehicles will be used to facilitate door to door collection, resulting in minimum maintenance and zero fuel.
Composting the Kitchen Waste
The biodegradable wastes are composed with the help of our unique technique called “Black Soldier Composting”. This simple yet significant composting process neither requires any kind of machines nor heavy maintenance.
In this process of composting, within 10 days, Black soldier flies or Hermetia Illucens are attracted towards the smell of decomposing wet waste and they lay eggs in and around compost pit. By the end, enriching fertilizer having high level of NPK is obtained through black soldier composting, with minimum labor and maintenance.
Recycling the Dry Waste
Once the dry wastes are segregated from wet wastes, they are further categorized and stored under 30 varieties. This stock of dry waste is sent for recycling.
The trained staff are used for sorting with safety measures in place. We are happy to share that our zero Waste Project is dumping yard free.
Our Unique Features
Our Zero Waste Projects have unique features such as decentralized way for handling waste, minimum use of machines, eco-friendly practices, converting waste to resource, employment generation and many more as follows:
Pot Composting in Apartment
Waste management in apartments by using the ‘Pot Composting Technique’ through our trained staff. Installing pot composters in common area of apartment at zero investment & handling kitchen waste on daily basis.
Pot Composting in Apartment
Waste management in apartments by using the ‘Pot Composting Technique’ through our trained staff. Installing pot composters in common area of apartment at zero investment & handling kitchen waste on daily basis.
Black Soldier Composting
Our Black Soldier Composting Technique is first of its kind in managing kitchen waste among bulk waste producers. This simple yet significant composting process neither requires any kind of machines nor heavy maintenance.
Black Soldier Composting
Our Black Soldier Composting Technique is first of its kind in managing kitchen waste among bulk waste producers. This simple yet significant composting process neither requires any kind of machines nor heavy maintenance.
Enriching Hermi Compost
Our kitchen waste management technique results in obtaining enriching compost with high level of NPK. Minimum requirement of NPK level for any organic compost is 1.2 but our Hermi Compost has 7.2 NPK Level of Certification.
Enriching Hermi Compost
Our kitchen waste management technique results in obtaining enriching compost with high level of NPK. Minimum requirement of NPK level for any organic compost is 1.2 but our Hermi Compost has 7.2 NPK Level of Certification. This enriching compost are taken by farmers for agricultural activities.

Organic Slurry: The Atmamrita
We are obtaining around 100 liters of organic slurry from 1000 kgs of kitchen waste. We call this organic slurry as Atmamrita. Local farmers use this organic slurry as nutrient to the crop. We have high demand from agriculturist for this organic slurry.
Organic Slurry: The Atmamrita
We are obtaining around 100 liters of organic slurry from 1000 kgs of kitchen waste. We call this organic slurry as Atmamrita. Local farmers use this organic slurry as nutrient to the crop. We have high demand from agriculturist for this organic slurry.
Electric Bikes
Our startup is using ecofriendly bikes during the process of our service activities. Our trained staff are using electric bikes to travel to apartments within the city. This contributes towards positive impact on environment.
Electric Bikes
Our startup is using ecofriendly bikes during the process of our service activities. Our trained staff are using electric bikes to travel to apartments within the city. This contributes towards positive impact on environment.
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles are being used for carrying both kitchen waste and dry wastes from various collection points of waste generators. Under green initiative, this electric vehicle will be resulting in minimum maintenance and zero fuel.
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles are being used for carrying both kitchen waste and dry wastes from various collection points of waste generators.
This eco-friendly vehicle will collect both wet and dry waste on daily basis from houses and garbage collection clusters. Under green initiative, this electric vehicle will be resulting in minimum maintenance and zero fuel.
Our Impact
- Environmental
Impact - Organisational
Impact - SDG
of UN
Environmental Impact
7,00,000+ KG
500+ tonnes
200+ tonnes
Organisational Impact


Adoptable &




Safe Working
Our Contribution towards:

About Us
The unscientific methods of waste management in our country have resulted in contamination of the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Statistics show that India is going to be one of the major generators of solid waste in the world in the very near future. Hence, we are sincerely trying to supplement the present system with our efforts to impart cost effective & scientific methods of waste management techniques.
In this regard, we are a start-up born out of volunteerism involved in Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan by Ramakrishna Mission Mangaluru from 2014 to 2019. Our aim is to institutionalize the above experience and put our efforts in organizing the waste management sector. And also, to provide legitimate solutions for waste management, thereby to guide and assist people, organizations & government entities in solid waste management.
We are striving towards evolving a breakthrough innovative model through these novel interventions in Solid Waste Management sector:
- Customized approach of handling solid waste – suiting the entity.
- Making the endeavour remunerative to stakeholders, thus organising Solid Waste Management as a part of services sector.
- Introducing well researched technique of using Hermicia Illucens (BSF) to solve the wet waste problem from small to large scale.
- Successfully using electric vehicles in logistics thus reducing cost.
- Skilling workforce, large scale employment generation both in rural and urban areas, extending consultancy in SWM sector etc.
We aim at creating Zero Waste Apartments, Zero Waste Villages, Zero Waste Premises, Zero Waste Cities etc. by rewiring our thinking and approach towards Solid Waste Management. Through our innovation and also complying government regulations for a start-up, we hope to extend our services to the satisfaction of the entity we are serving and the public at large.
Presently, Mangala Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. is providing waste management solutions to 15 apartments of Mangaluru covering 500 flats under Zero Waste Apartment Project, successfully handling 1.5 ton of garbage per day in Uppinangady Gram Panchayat under Zero Waste Project, scientifically handling 1 ton of garbage per day in Kateel Shree Durgaparameshwari Temple under Zero Waste Premises Project.
Our Mentor
Board of Directors
In Ramakrishna Mission Mangalore, I have seen the process of converting kitchen waste into enriching compost. This technique has to be promoted accross the country.
Sri Pratap Chandra Sarangi,
Honourable Minister of State for Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India

I visited the Uppinangadi waste management plant on 12 - 4- 2021. It’s an extraordinary project that is attempting to provide legitimate solutions to challenges of solid waste management in urban & rural areas. Apart from Uppinangadi, i got an opportunity to visit the solid waste management plants of Kateel Sri Durgaparmeshwari Temple & Ramakrishna Math Mangaluru , managed by Mangala Resource Management Pvt.Ltd. I appreciate the able & structural leadership of Swami Ekagamyanandaji. I wish that this kind of sustainable projects be implemented across the nation in the near future.
Sri K A Dayanada, IAS
Commissioner, Department of Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments, Government of Karnataka

After the successful completion of cleanliness campaign in Mangaluru, the volunteers of Swacch Mangaluru have taken up Zero Waste Village initiative in Uppinangady Gram Panchayat. This Extended selfless service to villages confirms the tremendous commitment of Ramakrishna Mission towards Swacch Bharat Abhiyan.
Dr. R Selvamani, IAS
DC, Kolar Dist., Karnataka

Well maintained Solid Waste Management Unit. The Passion with which Gram Panchayat & Ramakrishna Mission are doing is very inspiring and can be emulated by all.
B Fouzia Taranum, IAS
Director of Horticulture, Government of Karnataka

We are happy to obtain waste management services, in our apartment, by the volunteers of Swacch Mangaluru. Now we are segregating wet and dry waste in our respective flats. We are proud to say that from our apartment wet wastes are not be sent out of for landfill thus avoiding hazardous pollution from our end.
Abhiman Hills Apartment Owners Association, Mangaluru